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In creation week God created the Sabbath and rested the 7th day.
God desires that we in White County will also rest on that day.

Video: Jesus' ultimate Sacrifice
Video:  The Sabbath
Video: Bowing to the Beast
Video:  Marked for Death
Video:  Babylon

Mark of the beast law is coming soon.  Friends, let's get right with God now.

Those with the mark of the beast are noted in Rev. 14:11, but the next verse 12 tells us of the saints: "Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus"
The commandments speak of a seventh day Sabbath, Exodus 20:8-11.

After the resurrection, Jesus was with the disciples 40 days, but He never announced a new day for worship.  If He were to change it, it would be well documented in the New Testament.  Jesus always kept the Sabbath, 1,700 times.  The tables of stone written at Mount Sinai were not changeable, and neither is God.  Jesus said to pray that your flight would not be on the Sabbath for an event in 70 AD, the destruction of Jerusalem, Matt. 24:20.  So the Sabbath would still be in effect that year.  

Steps to Christ book pdf, tells of Christ's love for us.  Purchase book

Fill-in-the-blank Bible Studies on many topics.
pdf also

Sunday Law Book  online, or purchase

Mark of the Beast video

The Great Controversy book pdf
Tells of past and future for God's people
Purchase book

More info on the Sabbath

3 Angels' Warning of the Beast

The Bible must be our guide, not man.

In 321 AD Roman emperior Constantine had a Sunday law, forcing Christians to worship on Sunday, "the venerable day of the sun".  Then the Roman popes said their writings are above the Bible, and they claimed to have instituted a new day of worship, Sunday.  They say protestants are keeping their day of worship. Friend, we should follow the Bible, not man.  A new Sunday law is coming.  Read about it here

False reasons for first day worship:
On the first day they broke bread, Acts 20, but in Acts 2:46 it said they broke bread every day.  So, breaking bread was just a daily meal.
1 Cor. 16:1,2 An offering was taken up on the first day, but this was at their homes collecting goods for the church.
(There is no verse announcing a change in the fourth commandment.  Only Jesus or His Father could do that.)

False reasons for first day worship:
Acts 20:7 Paul was preaching on the first day because his Sabbath preaching went until midnight, or the first day. Then he traveled to the next city.
Col. 2 said handwriting of ordinanaces were nailed to the cross, yearly feast day sabbaths, not the fourth commandment Sabbath written in stone.
John 20:19 Disciples were assembled on the first day for fear of the Jews, not for worship.
(No change of the fourth commandment was ever made by God. No announcement.)

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